Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish writer, poet, and prominent aesthete. His parents were successful Dublin intellectuals, and from an early age he was tutored at home, where he showed his intelligence, becoming fluent in French and German.

He attended boarding school for six years, then matriculated to university at seventeen years of age. Reading Greats, Wilde proved himself to be an outstanding classicist, first at Trinity College, Dublin, then at Magdalen College, Oxford. After university, Wilde moved around trying his hand at various literary activities: he published a book of poems and toured America lecturing extensively on aestheticism. He then returned to London, where he worked prolifically as a journalist for four years.

Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress, and glittering conversation, Wilde was one of the most well-known personalities of his day. He next produced a series of dialogues and essays that developed his ideas about the supremacy of art. However, it was his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray – still widely read – that brought him more lasting recognition.

He became one of the most successful playwrights of the late Victorian era in London with a series of social satires which continue to be performed, especially his masterpiece The Importance of Being Earnest.

At the height of his fame and success, Wilde suffered a dramatic downfall in a sensational series of trials. He sued his lover's father for libel, though the case was dropped at trial. After two subsequent trials, Wilde was imprisoned for two years' hard labour, having been convicted of "gross indecency" with other men. In prison he wrote De Profundis, a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. Upon his release he left immediately for France, never to return to Ireland or Britain. There he wrote his last work, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, a long, terse poem commemorating the harsh rhythms of prison life. He died destitute in Paris at the age of forty-six.



Kelly Castro disse…
Thank you teacher Rose! Very good!
Muy bueno! Gracias!
Rose Gimenes disse…
as obras do wilde e outros imortais podem ser baixadas e lidas gratuitamente no www.dominiopublico.org.br na boa e velha língua portuguesa rs
Profª Margareth disse…
oi Rose
vamos esperar os alunos voltarem à aula segunda, pois escreverão sobre a peça,mas antes vão tentar ler o q vc postou (rsrsr)e aproveito para agradecer a dica da publicação, segunda vou testar,
Kelly Castro disse…
Olá Rose e Margareth
A ida ao teatro com os alunos foi maravilhosa.Excetuando - se os contratempos típicos de atividades externas realizadas com alunos como : atrasos, janelas do ônibus e etc.. o restante que é o que interessa - foi demais!!!Nossos alunos dentro do teatro assintindo a uma peça, cujo texto já conheciam foi demais!!E é Oscar Wilde!
Margareth, sua proposta de colocá - los para tentar ler o texto postado pela Rose será muito interessante; além da oportunidade de outros alunos conhecerem o blog - caso não conheçam ou não saibam utilizá - lo.No ônibus perguntei quem acessava o blog, uns quatro levantaram as mãos, e disseram que iriam postar comentátios.Acho que com você ficarão ficarão mais motivados ainda e talvez outros alunos passem a se interessar também.Será uma bo atividade de escrita.Vou te levar a máquina fotográfica, contendo algumas fotos dos alunos no teatro.É preciso localizar os alunos para que autorizem o uso das imagens para postagem.Não há fotos do espetácuo,pois não é permitido fotografar, durante a apresentação.
Além de publicar os comentários dos alunos, caso você ache interessante,é possível pedir para os alunos monitores entrevistarem as funcionárias que participaram da atividade e a Valéria que participou da organização da atividade junto aos lunos.
Naty & Deia disse…
gOstei desse desenho e bonito tem pocas cOres ,mas e bonito beijos naty 6ºB

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